Cute little man!

These pictures were taken when Curt was 5 weeks old but I just now got a copy emailed to me! Curt, Carrie Beth, and Lee came to Tuscaloosa for the Arkansas game and before we left to go tailgating, I was holding him and mom snapped these pictures!!

Too stinking CUTE!! IMG_0587


Fall Fun!

I know it has been awhile but with work, school, teaching, football, and a new nephew blogging has been put on the back burner for a few weeks. However I will attempt to catch everyone up in one blog! Here goes:

Baby Curt went from 2 weeks….6827_719700702135_27412919_42107480_7672137_n…to 7 weeks……DSCN0976DSCN0974

… 8 weeks!! And he is still growing! TOO CUTE!Copy of IMG_0614 copy of 0616

Also football season started good and is still going strong! National Championship here we come!DSCN0908

The new parents got to enjoy a game and thankfully it did stop raining before we made it to the stadium!  Thanks Mom and Dad for babysitting!!DSCN0961

Lee making crazy faces pre-game…..DSCN0962


What a great sight to see! ROLL TIDE!DSCN0924

  My birthday came and went (and I didn’t die of old age)! Yes, that is a button that Julie got me for my birthday. Of course it states that “Aubs eat boogers” and we all know that is true!DSCN0954


And it has rained, A LOT! Here are a couple of shots of some nasty weather coming my way as I left work.


And here is what I found when I got home after the storm came through! DSCN0996  So this is my summary of the past few weeks! My parents are coming down this weekend and I am taking Dad to the Tennessee game so I am sure there will be more pictures to post soon!