This past weekend brought us some interesting weather in Alabama. First we started with tornados on Friday. I have been sick for several days and didn't go to work on Friday. I am sure if Gracie could talk she would be very thankful for my illness (she HATES thunder) and was happy I was at home when the sirens when off (twice). So after 4 and 1/2 inches of rain in Tuscaloosa, my yard flooded! Usually with large amounts of rain the yard does this and drains off very fast but not this time. The water was still there Saturday morning!

During the day on Saturday it was pretty good weather, then when we woke up Sunday morning we had about an inch of snow!! March 1st and snow on the ground! I LOVE Alabama weather! And the best part was the snow didn't stop. We ended up with over 3 inches of snow Sunday morning!
Our first trip out at 6:00 a.m.

My street!

Buddy Fat Pants (aka Tank) was visiting! He and Gracie had a GREAT time in the snow!

Students on campus made snowmen!

Ah! Denny Chimes!

My house and all the snow!

Words of Wisdom