Photo Dump: Late Summer Edition

Learning about the doggie door at Gram and Pop's:
Nine Months Old:
Happy Baby:
She knows how to take selfies now:
And she has mastered the circle (proud momma moment):
She loves a good tent:
Playing in the kitchen together:
Driving again:
Getting brave:
And getting into trouble:
Wrong way buddy:
Typical meal these days for EK:
Sweet smiles:
Making dresses with kitchen towels:
Playing around in Cash's crib:

Nine is Nice!

 How he really feels about the stickers:

Elly K the BIG GIRL!

Eleven months ago, yes ELEVEN months ago, we attempted to get Elly K to sleep in a big girl bed. We wanted to use her crib for Cash. Apparently she wasn't ready to depart from her crib yet and thankfully my brother and SIL had a crib we could use! For the past 11 months, Elly K's room has had a crib AND a big girl bed in it. I think she would be happy staying in her crib longer but we are ready to move that crib out and put other things in its place. So yesterday, Jonathan added another guardrails on the daybed (can you say over sized crib) and last night the big girl bed was successful used! My definition of success means she didn't climb out and I didn't have to sit in there with her till she went to sleep (both occurred a lot last time we tried this). 

I know this picture is blurry but it makes me happy!
She did cry out around 2:30 am, so I went to check on her. When I got in the room, I realized she was crying because she wanted to be in her big girl bed. Poor thing! I had to remind her she was in it and a couple of kisses later, she was back to snoozing.

 Paci-free and crib-free all in less than 7 days! Now we gotta work on those potty training skills!


Since Elly K turned one, she has been able to use a paci only when sleeping (naps and nighttime). Well last week she came into the living room carrying all her pacis that she gathered up from her crib. We asked her to go put them back and then asked if she was a big girl or a baby. Of course she said big girl and I suggested that she didn't need pacis any more. I convinced her to throw one away right then and there! Then she gave the other ones to Cash. Well bedtime rolled around and she asked where her paci was. I reminded her that they were gone and she insisted she needed one. I went and "asked" Cash (who was already sleeping by this time) if EK could have just one, just for one night, which she didn't even sleep with the whole night (I found it outside the crib the next morning)!
The following night EK and Cash went home with my parents after the boys' birthday party. She went to sleep four timse (naps and nighttime) before she ever asked about her paci. Gram reminded her they were gone and that was the last of the paci!  
 This little girl and her paci have offically ended their almost 2.5 year relationship!

Gram and Pop's Weekend with Kids

This post is a few weeks old but I had to share! 
Here are some more picture of the grand kids from the weekend with Gram and Pop (while their momma's and daddy's played in Hamilton)! 
Playing is hard work:
Telling a really good story:
Happy baby:
Sweet Elly K:
All ready for bed:
And piled up with Gram the next morning:

Big Eater

Baby food for lunch and dinner are a thing of the past for this little man. Mr. Cash loves (and I mean LOVES) his big boy bites!
Ramen noodles stand no chance:
Neither does eggs, strawberries and bananas:
He even loves kidney beans too:
Corn, mac & cheese, watermelon and peas are devoured as soon as they hit the tray:
Mr. Cash! Our big boy!

She's Driving!

When we get to the gravel drive way at Gram and Pop's house, Miss Elly K becomes our driver!
She's actually pretty good too...till she get distracted by all the buttons!

Teeth x 4

 Sweet little man and his FOUR teeth!