New Friends

Meet Elly K's new friends. I bought these, put them on, and then a couple of minutes later she is talking (AKA cooing) to them. She really likes the yellow one and stares at him the most. She seemed to enjoy them the 5 minutes she was awake during our journey to Hamilton for the first part of the Memorial Day Weekend.

Also, instead of referring to them by their color or bug type we did give them names. Let me introduce you to Kandy (the ladybug), Emma (the middle one), and Jethro (the little yellow guy). 

Where "Elly K" Comes From

I really love family names! I have always wanted to give my children names that came from some where. A name that if asked about has a person and a story behind it. If you like those crazy names like Apple, Coco, or Blue Ivy then go for it, but that is not my cup of tea! Now don't get me wrong, even some family names should not be passed down from generation to generation. At some point those names have got to stop (I will not list any of these but I bet you have a friend or two with their crazy great great uncle's name and its not that great...). Nevertheless, I love the fact that Jonathan and I were able to pass down a name to Elly K that she will be able to tell people where it came from and who she is named after.

So here is how we got the name for this precious,,, little girl:

 Ellyn Katherine Schlenker

Jonathan's only living grandmother's name is Ellen. We both thought that was a great name as it is, but after a little research we figured out we could "cover" another grandmother by changing the second "e" to a "y". You see, my grandmother that passed away last year was Helyn. After doing my research, I found out that Ellen and Helyn have the same origin/meaning, which is sun ray or shining light. So that is how we got Ellyn! Gotta love some customization!

As far as Katherine goes, it might seem very obvious. My legal name is Katherine. However, I got that name from my other grandmother, Catherine (aka Tootie). So Elly K's middle name also covers two people, me and my maternal grandmother. 

You might think the story ends there. Most would assume that we just shortened her name to Elly K cause we liked it. We do like it but it also "covers" one more person. My mom is Linda Kay. So we decided to shorten Katherine down to K instead of Kate (or another variation of Katherine) to get my mom in on the name as well. 

In the end, Elly K is named after five women. It makes me so happy that she has a story to tell about her name. That it comes from some where! 

Yes, I was pregnant...

This post is for me to remember a few things about my pregnancy. It may be boring to some of you but I want to get it on here before I forget! Last August, I found out I was pregnant. I can say it was a VERY BIG surprise but I was immediately excited about having a baby. Our due date was April 6, 2012. Jonathan and I decided to tell our families at the right times and then tell friends later on, once we made it past the first trimester. And yes, I will admit that I threw a few of you off by appearing to have my normal football season fun, but I promise it was only water. ;)

Looking back, I am happy to say that I had a wonderful pregnancy! No morning sickness, no major problems at all, no swelling, gained just the right amount of weight, etc. Some days, before I started feeling the baby kick, I would wonder if I was still pregnant. The only complaint I had during the 9 months was wrist pain (Yes, I said wrist pain). Who gets pregnant and complains about their wrist? Who knew that was even a issue with pregnancy? Well I do now!  It got so bad that I had to wear braces at night time, every single night from 5ish months to the end! However, most of that pain is completely gone and has been since Elly K was 2/3 weeks old. It is crazy how a pregnant body works!!

Nevertheless, enough with chat, here are some pictures!

 Elly K's First Picture (August 24, 2011):
I refer to this as the bird picture. Does she not look like a bird perched on a twig??

Elly K's Second Pictures (November 18, 2011):
This is the day we found out we were having a girl! I thought/knew it is was going to be a girl. I don't know why I thought that. I guess with 2 nephews, I just assumed I would get the opposite. I wish I would have put some money on it. I remember seeing the picture below on the screen and they didn't even have to tell me. I knew it was a girl right away.  We had already picked out names (I think we did that before I was 8 weeks) and knew she would be Ellyn Katherine Schlenker (more on the name later).
 I don't really have any pregnant pictures of myself till around Thanksgiving because I really wasn't showing much. I didn't even start wearing maternity pants till December. I ordered 2 pairs on Cyber Monday and they were too big when I got them. That's when the belly band started getting used! 

Thanksgiving 2011 (Still in regular jeans):
 This is also the same weekend I felt Elly K kick for the first time! It was the best and weirdest feeling in the world. I thought I had felt her before but I must have been imaging things because when she kicked me on 11/26/11 it was the real deal!! AMAZING!

Early December 2011:

January 27, 2012:
Growing and got a hair cut. What was I thinking? Boy, do I miss my long hair :(

January 30, 2012:

 February 17, 2012:
My Hamilton Shower

 March 8, 2012

 March 9, 2012:

 March 25, 2012:
Curt really took interest in Elly K. He would point to her and tell her to "Come Out and Play". The picture below was from the last weekend I went to Hamilton before Elly K's arrival. Curt wanted to sit with me and watch Thomas. Out of no where, he picked up my shirt and said "That's Elly K!" It was the sweetest thing! He then kissed my belly and a few minutes later be put his hand on it and told me he was going to hold Elly K's hand! 
 (Oh and this is the ONLY bare belly picture I have. So sorry if you didn't really want to see it but that's the only one.)

 April 2, 2012:
The day before Elly K's arrival. I worked a full day and decided that I needed to take another belly shot since it had been awhile. I am so happy I got this one because by 2:30 a.m. the next day, I was in labor!

So that's it. A very wonderful pregnancy that gave us an amazing little girl!!
(I will save Elly K's birth story for the another post)

I love iPhone apps!

I'm totally digging Instagram and PicFrame these days!