Little College Girl!

Miss EK made another appearance at my work today. I thought that I would dress her appropriate for the style!
Our little girl is getting so big:

One Year Photo Shoot

 Back in April, Elly K had her first professional photo shoot at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Over the weekend, I got the pictures back and thought I would share! Molly Bridges, out of Pelham, was the photographer and she did a great job of capturing Elly K (despite being a little sleepy).
 I even got in on a couple of the pictures!
Can't wait to order prints and get them up around the house!

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day, just like last year, we hit up Hooters! If you didn't know, they have free meals for Moms on this day, so why not enjoy a free meal! It also helps that I am in love with hot sauce, wing sauce, etc right Hooters hit the spot.
 Since it was just us, I put this together so we would have at least one picture with us all:
Jonathan and Elly K also got me a really great gift that I'm SUPER excited about. Next week, I will be getting my first ever massage!! I am very, VERY excited (can you tell, I'm excited)!

Round #2

Well we have very exciting news! Miss Elly K is going to be a big sister!

We are expecting baby #2 around December 2nd. Since I was early with EK by a few days, I think I will be with this one as well. I fully expect a November baby. I think a nice time to go into labor will be right after I finish off my second helping of Thanksgiving food ;)

Here is the little one at 8 weeks, 4 days:

Now we just have to wait and see if Jonathan will get a boy to balance out the family or will it be a "girls rule" house! Just like with EK, I have absolute NO pregnancy symptoms. CRAZY (but nice)! Nevertheless, only time will tell if we will be buying blue or getting pink out of the attic.

Sleepy Head!

Unlike her Momma, this little girl loves to sleep in! It takes her a few minutes to get going in the morning
(much like her Daddy). 

Lounging till its time for a Pop Tart (wild berry favored if you're wondering):

On rare occasion, she wakes up around 4:00 or 5:00 and I let her get in our bed till its time to wake up:
 This is what she did when I tried to wake her up when it was time to go:
This is her "I just needed 30 more minutes of sleep" face:

Wallering till she gets good and ready for breakfast:
Finally a morning smile:
She also sleeps in some weird positions! Although the pj's are the same, these pictures are taken on two different mornings:
Where's Elly K?

Gotta love a baby that will let you sleep in too ;)

Always Up to No Good!

When these three get together there is always fun (and fights) to be had!


She has figured it out....

So Clean and Cheap

I did it! I made homemade laundry detergent. So far its working pretty good and it was fairly easy to make (once I got Jonathan in on the action). With everything I bought (less than $10) I should have enough to do 200ish loads of laundry!