
I can't seem to get a picture with all her teeth (wonder why...) but this cutie officially has four of them. EK has had the two on the bottom for a while now, however she just got the top two over the past week or less.
Lets hope she's not a biter!

Soaking Up Some Sun

Sunday, the weather allowed us some time outside (of course it is raining again today...)! 

Here are a few shots from our adventure to the backyard:

This is her new thing to do...she just lays her head down on everything. So sweet:

The next shots are in sequence of how they happened.

Getting ready:

And she's up:

And the dress is next 
(I told her Mardi Gras was over...):
  Fun times in the backyard:


Saturday, we headed out for some family time. We went to the RV Super Show, then over to the outlet mall in Leeds. EK is in need of some new pajamas, however we ended up with her first pair of shades instead!

We put them on her and she didn't touch them for the longest time:

Leopard shades and a houndstooth paci. Best combination ever:

She finally decided she needed to investigate them:

And here she is trying to get them back on:
Gotta work on getting them back on...

Mad Skills

This video is from a couple of weeks ago and I forgot to post it.
EK has got some mad dancing skills:
And yes....that is Nelly...

Up and Running

Okay, maybe not running...but it won't be long! 


My Mom (AKA Gram) keeps all her grand kids on Thursdays. This day usually involves getting pictures just like this...
Should I be alarmed at all? ;)

At It Again...

No explanation needed...

Outside Time

This past Saturday, EK and I headed out side for a little bit since it was so pretty! She was finally feeling better and this was before I took a turn for the worse!
Can't wait for more pretty days so we can get out and enjoy our wonderful, big backyard!

Stepping Up

Not much longer and we will have a walker! Sorry about the darkness, but she did this for about 10 minutes last night until I finally forced her to lay down.

Sunday Funday!

The Sunday after hunting season ended, Jonathan needed to go to his hunting camp and pick up a few items. Since is was such a pretty day, EK and I decided to ride along!

When we got there, we had to go to one of the fields to retrieve a tree climber. 

After getting the climber, we got stuck:

We got stuck pretty bad:

Jonathan decided to call in some help because even his 4-wheel drive couldn't get us out of this mess:
EK and I had a good time playing while waiting on help. Yes, she is wearing camo. And yes, that is a pink camp paci. I thought both were fitting since we were going to a hunting camp!

Here comes help:

Getting pulled out...backwards:

After that, EK and I took a walk though the wood and did our own kind of "mud-riding" adventerous:
Before the day was over and we headed back home, EK even took a ride on the tracker:

Curtain Time

Elly K has finally figured out there are curtians in the living room...and they are fun to play with!

January Weight Update!

Doing pretty good for myself!

10 Months

 These monthly pictures are getting harder and harder to take ;)