Smiley Six Months

Six months and this silly baby is such a happy little fellow!
 And of course Miss Elly K had to get in on the action as well:

A Wedding!

This past weekend, one of my best friends and former roommates got married. They actually had the wedding in my parent's yard and it turned out so pretty:
Also this was Elly K's first time to be a flower girl! I was pretty sure that she would never make it down the aisle and boy, did she prove me wrong. EK was the only flower girl to make it through the entire ceremony! She played with the basket, played with the bride's flowers and even showed the crowd her "belly butt" (AKA her belly button). I didn't get to see any of it as I directed the wedding and also had to stay near the house to keep an ear on Cash (who was a ring bearer but slept through the entire ceremony due to an unknown ear infection). 
Nevertheless, here is a picture of the "bower gurl":
Elly K also had a WONDERFUL time at the reception. There was a ton of dancing and eating! For a few moments, EK was no where to be found. Then I got this text message from Jonathan...Elly K, with Pop's work hat on and stealing chips from the food table. 
Caught red handed:
As I said,  there was a ton of dancing and Elly K was the leader of the dance floor. Poor cousin Jack couldn't get away from the Dancing Queen! This picture pretty much sums up Elly K's night:
 I am so happy that the wedding turned out wonderfully, that everyone had a great time, and I wish Josh and Julie all the happiness in the world!!

Take a Hike

A couple of Friday mornings ago, both Jonathan and I were off were and it was gorgeous outside so we decided to take the kids on a hike. Elly K was super pumped to get to run around outside and she happily let us take pictures of her! So here is our Friday morning hiking adventure.
EK and Daddy by the water:
She never smiles with pictures I'm in too. Oh well, at least we got one together:
The "waterfall":
I told Cash to be on the lookout for Bigfoot:
She loved the water:
She looks so small in the woods:
We haven't taken a picture of just us in a long time:
Apparently hiking in the woods will wear a baby out. He has never just passed out like this. Cash literally fell asleep sitting up. And of course you have to take a picture when rare things like this happen:
After our hike, we realized that EK need some better shoes for hiking. So Miss Priss got some pink shoes to put her piggies in (and she was photo bombed by Daddy):

Mother's Day 2014

Since the kids and I went to Hamilton, we didn't get to celebrate Mother's day with Jonathan till I got back to Chelsea. However, since I wanted to travel back during nap time, I left EK with my mom and she was going to let her nap, then bring her to Chelsea later that afternoon. I assumed Elly K would sleep till 3:00 and they would be on the road by 3:30 and we could meet in Pelham for dinner at Hooters (a Mother's Day tradition). Oh no, that didn't happen because Miss EK had other plans. That stinker slept till 4:30! They didn't get on the road till 5:00 and by the time they got to Birmingham, it was to late for dinner. So this year, Mr. Cash got to celebrate Mother's Day as a only child. We ended up going to Hooters while my mom was in-route to our house. 

So here is the only Mother's Day picture we made this year:
I figure that Elly K got two Mother's Days to herself, so Cash could have one by himself as well! 

Weekend Away

Like I mentioned in the rain post, we went to Hamilton for a weekend trip. Jonathan wanted to stay home and do a few things around the house. So we headed up there as soon as I got off work on Friday. 
Of course, she had to have some mac and cheese for dinner:
 Goof Ball Elly K:
Elly K help Pop make biscuits Saturday morning. She was so excited to help:
He would place the cutter and she would press it down each time:
Elly K's first pan of biscuits (sorry mom, I know you didn't want the biscuit pan shown...but no one really reads this blog but a handful of people).
She made biscuits!!:
After biscuit making, she got back to being her goofy self:
Playing on the digger:
And Cash watched her:
While EK took a nap, Cash and I hit up the river:
Sweet smiling baby:
Loves being outside:
Later that afternoon, "the boys" (my nephews) joined the fun. We all headed down to the river to throw rocks and did. This is the front seat of the ranger:
And here's the back:
Elly K got to dig A LOT:
And Cash...well he passed out:

After the river, we headed back to the house for baths, dinner, and bedtime. Mr. Cash even took his nighttime bottle from his big cousin Curt:
Another wonderful weekend in Hamilton!


Ellly K loves to "waller" with Cash:
Or sit on top of him:
Wrestle with him:
Cash will even lay with her when she sleep (and should be awake):
Oh the wallering:
So happy they love each other:

She Hates the Rain...

This past weekend, me and the kids headed to Hamilton after I got off work. When we left Elly K was so happy because she was going to Gram's (aka Dam) house.
However, the rain started to pour about 5 minutes after we got on the road. It was loud, so Elly K thought it was best to cover her ears:
10 minutes later...still covered:
The rain has stopped and it was about 20 minutes later:
About 25 minutes into the ride, she fell asleep...with her hands on her ears:
Then she finally let go:
Then she really got to sleeping hard (snoring too):
At a red light on the north side of Birmingham, I was able to push her head back to a more comfortable position:
And after about an hour, someone's cat nap was over and thank goodness, it didn't rain the rest of the trip: