Hanging Out

I had to share the picture my mom just sent me! 
Poor thing doesn't know when to stop wiggling...

Impromtu Photoshoot

Gram snapped these pictures this past weekend when we were getting ready for church.
So sweet! Love her smile!

Bath Time

Over the past couple of weeks, bath time has gotten so much better. It wasn't that bad to begin with but Elly K seems to really enjoy it now.

Also please note the amount of oh.so.juicy.rolls Elly K has started to acquire! LOVE THEM!

Growing Little Girl

 Here are Elly K's first and second month pictures!
I decided to always have a standard piece of paper in the picture for size reference (thanks CB for the idea), but I photo-shop the date and month on them. I can't wait to see how she changes and grows over the months!

Big, bright eyes!

I can't get enough of Elly K's eyes! Neither Jonathan or I have big eyes like that, even as babies we didn't. 
