Two Months and HAPPY!

 Despite the snow and cold weather, we still managed to take Mr. Cash's two month pictures! In honor of the end of hunting season, we thought camo was totally appropriate for this months picture.
One happy baby!

The Circus!

Yesterday, Elly K got to go to the circus for this first time! She is still a little to young to get excited about future plans but she had fun while she was there. Cash and I stayed at home, so Jonathan and EK went with my mom, CB, and the boys.
Gram must have been the comfiest seat in the BJCC:
Gram got the tickets several weeks and she did good! They were on the 5th row:
However, the 11:00 circus lasted well into nap time. For the girl that NEVER sleeps in the car, this is a miracle:
Poor thing was exhausted:


Lots of people tell me that EK looks just like me...I SO BEG TO DIFFER! I think EK looks a ton like her daddy and I have proof:
 Jonathan is about a year older than EK in these pictures but WOW do they look alike!

Sweet Little Smiles

Mr. Cash is finally starting to smile more consistently at people (and its not just gas). He is such a cutie when he gives us a big ol' smile! LOVE IT!

Baby "Tash"

Do not get me wrong, Elly K is cool with "Tash" being in the house and getting to check on him, but she really hasn't been up to holding him. However, the other day, I was able to get her to hold him, without pushing him, for longer than 2 minutes! I was even able to get a picture of this sister/brother love fest (that might be pushing it) before he started getting upset! Yay for EK improvement!

EK's New Do

Since Miss Elly K's hair has decided to grow, we HAD to do something with it to keep it out of her eyes. This is what works best:
Even though she can rip a bow out in a few seconds, she will leave this alone all day:
Plus its pretty darn cute!

First Smile!

My mom was able to snap a picture of Cash giving us his first smile. It was probably just a little gas but it was a sweet smile regardless!

A Tradition Continues!

 The monthly photos have started again! I will be doing the same format for Cash as I did with EK (photo shopped piece of paper). However, I also have the stickers this time (thanks CB!) to take a picture with! We shall see how he does with the stickers as he gets older....I have seen some pretty funny sticker pictures from friends using them with their kids.