Three Months Old!

Funny Pics from February

So here are just a few pictures from the past month. February was short but FUN!

EK with Cash's paci:
Happy Happy Baby:
Elly K loves her iPad:
Being silly by wearing a bag as a hat:
More hats, but this time its a hard hat:
Ready to hit the road with Momma:
And ready to hit the bed at night time:
Oh the looks that Elly K has:
And now she has an audience to laugh at her funny looks:
Playing around in the "Bay Bay's" bed:
Still having awesome fits:
This did not end well:
He finally pooped (after SEVERAL days):
Going on a stroll:
Momma and EK:
Cash and Momma:
All three:
Elly K's appetite has grown over the past few weeks. In this picture, she is eating a cookie:
Eating shredded wheat (one of her faves):
 Breakfast bar time:
Curt and Jack greeting Mr. Cash:
And Jack holding the baby:
Being this cute will make you mega sleepy:
 Also, this cutie turns 3 months today! So this afternoon will be picture taking time!!

Getting out of the House

When we can, we have been trying to get EK out of the house. Since we have had a couple of weeks worth of snow/nasty weather, she needs to get out and stretch her legs a bit (and so does Mommy and Daddy).

So far we have hit of the galleria in Birmingham. Miss EK got to ride the carousel. 
While Mr. Cash took a snooze in the stroller.
We have also went to Bass Pro Shop to see the "bish" a couple of weeks ago.
Also with all this cold weather, Elly K's hair has been epic! LOTS of static electricity...
If the weather is nice this weekend, and I think it is suppose to be, we are going to try to go to the outlet mall in Leeds. We may even get to see the "bish" again since its not far from the outlet mall.

Rolls, Rolls, Everywhere!

This little man is finally getting some rolls and I LOVE IT!


Oh the "I'm going die for no reason at all" fits have started at our house. Yes, I am the mom that tells her to "cheese" when she is having one, then nicely step over her to continue on with my business.
I think they are the funniest thing I have seen lately. Especially when she has these melt downs over NOTHING! Like mad that she couldn't get her sock back on the right way.
Most of the time, she is face down when having these fits, but sometimes you get a face-up one. Those are the rare kind, so you have to get a picture while you can.
God bless our strong-willed, stubborn little girl!

Head Attire...

This girl and her hats...
She always has one on...
Even when going to the park...
And I guess Cash is starting his hat wearing early by putting his pants on his head...
(I know, its not a hat! But it was too cute not to post)

Such a Good Sport

So far Cash (BayBay Tash) has been such a good sport when dealing with EK. She loves to play Peek-A-Boo using her beach hat. She will cover her eyes with it and say "I see you" even though she can't...
Well she has decided that Cash likes to play too:
Little Cash can also fit into Elly K's baby stroller (yes, I may have played a huge roll in this). Don't worry, I didn't let her out of arms reach with him!
Oh the fun that these two are gonna have!

Southernly Unexpected Snow

Normally in the south, when the weather man says we are going to get a dusting of snow...that actually means we will get nothing. However, this time they were WRONG. Last week we ended up with almost 3 inches at our house. Once the snow started, roads iced over in minutes. I barely made it home without a wreck and I'm so thankfully it wasn't my day to travel with the kids! Also thank goodness for 4-wheel drive or Jonathan would have been stranded for a couple of days at work. 

Who would have know that when I left for work on Tuesday at 10:30, when they cancelled classes, I wouldn't be going back till the following Monday? Who knew that one of my sister-in-laws would be spending the night with her kindergarteners, who's parents couldn't get to them?? Who knew my other SIL would be stuck at a co-workers house (with the boys) till Thursday afternoon?? Who knew that my mom would end up being snowed in with us for 2 days?!? Who knew that this snow would shut central Alabama down for several day?!? CRAZY.SOUTHERN.WEATHER!

Elly K couldn't have cared less about the snow. It was cold and there were toys to be played with inside the warm house. 
But she was one cute little girl with the snow flying around us!
Our black roof was solid white in minutes:

If you would have told me this was going to happen, I would have never believed you! The weather a couple of days before was nice and warm. I would have never imagined that the fluffy snow would stick so fast (thanks to 19 degree weather).
Cash didn't get to make the snowy family was just too cold for a 2 month old to go outside!
And how do you pass the time by, when you are stuck inside for 2 days...with a iPad:
Don't get me wrong, I love to see snow since it happens so few times in Alabama. However, I don't have to see snow when it happens like this!! Let me say it one more time...CRAZY!

On the Warmer Days

On the warmer days this winter, we have been trying to get out of the house and take walks around the neighborhood.
This was Cash's first official stroll (I'm a little behind on blogging about it) and just like I expected he quickly fell to sleep!
Little Red Riding Hood and her wagon pulling Daddy:
It wasn't really that cold outside but Miss EK insisted on wearing her hood:
So ready for some more of these days to get here!