Feeling Beachy

Well the Schlenkers have a camper...yes, you read that correctly. We are officially a camping type of family. This past weekend (after 2 doctors appointments) we headed out on our first camping trip. And of course, we hit up the beach!

The trip that is suppose to take 5 hours, took 6 and a half. We had to make a few stops along the way:
Elly K also figured out how to work the camera on my phone...I think. This is a picture I found after getting my phone back from her:
When we got to the camp site it was still raining but the view was great:

Since there is no crib in the camper and really no space for a pack-n-play, I got to sleep with EK. I took this before daylight. Yes, I am happy to be her pillow if she will just sleep a little longer:

It was quite chilly the next morning, due to a cold front, so we played around the camp ground till it was nap time. Here is she mastering the beach chair:

After she woke up from a nice nap, we were ready to hit the beach. She loved her oversize "crib":
She seemed to love the beach! Not a lot of smiles, since there was work to be done...DIGGING:

After about 2 hours on the beach, it was time to go. She even had a mini-meltdown for us:

After the beach, we had a bath and a much needed nap! Then we found some food and by then it was time for bed (with mommy again).

Our trip was a short one since this was our first official camping trip. We didn't want to push it too much. 
So the next morning, we packed up and headed home:

EK even got in on the action and helped pack too:
So overall, we had a pretty good trip and we are already trying to decide where we will end up next time!!

Doctors Appointments

This past Friday, Elly K had two doctors appointments. The first was in downtown Birmingham at the Pediatric Cardiologist at 8:15 am and the second was her 1 year check up in the Inverness area at 10:00 am. It was raining and knowing how traffic on 280 can be (and worse in the rain), we were up and out the door by 6:50!

Of course, EK can't miss breakfast. Thankfully I packed a cereal bar and some chocolate cheerios:

We made it to the first appointment with 15 minutes to spare. They had Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on but EK was more interested in talking to all the staff at the office:

Report from Cardiologist: She still has a small hole in her lower chambers (VSD). However, it is SO SMALL that he would never recommend any restrictions and it still has a chance of closing up. :) Next check-up in 2 years!!

Next stop, EK's one year check-up:
1 year stats:
22.6 pounds (75% percentile)
31 inches long (95% percentile)
5 shots (had to get caught up from missing one at her 9 month appt)

After the last doctor appointment, EK didn't make it down the road 2 miles till I turned and saw her like this:
We got home, I took her to her crib and she slept another 2 hours! 
All in all, doctors appointments are no fun and will wear you out...

Water Ready

Someone is ready for the pool/beach! Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!?
Thanks Aunt Carrie Beth for the precious swimsuit!

Prayers and Thoughts Please

Just wanted to throw a quick request out here to the blog world. My brother, Lee, left for Fort Hood, TX the first week of April. He will be training/getting ready for deployment there before leaving for Afghanistan in the middle of May. 

Here is a picture he send us as he was getting on the plane to TX:
He will be in Afghanistan for 9 months.  This is his second deployment but its still very hard! Please keep Lee and the whole family in your prayers! Hopefully the time will fly by and he will be back before we know it!!


Someone has officially started climbing on everything!

She was so proud of herself for this one:

She thinks its fun to climb on the side of her chair:
EK also likes to climb into dresser drawers:

Here she is AGAIN in the drawer at Gram and Pop's house:
And, of course, she has to throw all the contents of the drawer in the floor:
Here is our newest adventure:
She's about half an inch from climbing on the couch by herself at our house as well. Oh the joys of a climbing monkey baby!

Super Dad

When Momma goes grocery shopping, this is what she drives up to!
That's one way to entertain a baby!

Random Springiness

Here are a few pictures from over the past few weeks!

Good morning smile from Gram and Pop's house:

Gram's little Easter chick:

Playing in the back yard:

After taking a tumble in the backyard...mouthful of grass:
 Just a rocking in her cute springy outfit!
Finally getting to ride in the big kid cart at Pubilx (also right next to one of her faves):

Climbing on Momma:

This past weekend EK went to Gram and Pop's a day earlier than me and Jonathan. It was a rush packing job and we forgot to send Gram home with her highchair (that we borrowed for the birthday party). Here is the fix to not having a highchair for a 1 year old...strapped in with a towel:
Someone finally got a toothbrush (no judgements, I know is late since she has 6 teeth but I would ALWAYS forget to put it on the list):
Also this past weekend, Gram, EK and myself when shoe shopping. This is what we found when we opened the door after a 20 minute ride:

Birthday Preview

Over the Easter weekend, one cute little bunny had her first birthday party! Here is a preview of the party...more to come later!