Curt Update

So my nephew Curt is almost 4 months old now! He is getting so big and his personality is growing as well. I am so happy that the holidays are getting closer and I will get to spend some time with him! I am sure I will have plenty of pictures after the holidays but until then here are a few from the past month or so….

Curt is ready for Christmas and to watch the Tide win the National Championship game!IMG_1053

He likes to look at you!IMG_1074 

And he will smile for you!IMG_1215

He loves his bottles and his Aunt Katie!IMG_0744

  He will make cute faces for you…IMG_1252

and he will make a serious face for you too!IMG_0818

More of this cutie later!!

HELLO Christmas!

Each year when I drive home from Tuscaloosa to Hamilton, I get the pleasure of driving by some true Christmas lovers on Highway 107. This year I slowed down as I got close to the Fayette/Marion county line and videoed what we now call the “Hello Christmas” house. You literally turn a corner and there it is, with all its tackiness. So for your viewing pleasure here is “Hello Christmas”. (It's not that long of a video but you will get the gist of it!)