
Elly K has really started to love her "babies"! She will hug them, pat them, kiss them, and most recently started sleeping with one in her crib. The past three mornings, she has woke up with one in her arms. LOVE IT! 

Here are few shots of EK and her babies (or Bay-beeeee as she would say it).
"No photos please":

EK and her baby sitting in the baby's stroller...:

 Let us hope that she is this sweet to her new baby brother in a few months! :)

Over Half Way There!

So I'm officially 21 weeks. I thought I would do a "half time" progress report just for memory's sake. 
Here is the little guy as of this morning:
This pregnancy is much like this first! No pregnancy sickness, symptoms, or problems. Last time my wrist started hurting around 15 weeks and lasted till the end of the pregnancy. Not this time!! Thankfully! The biggest difference I have noticed is the dreams I have been having. They are crazy vivid and I can usually remember them the next morning.  

Body-wise there is such a difference in the expanding process this time around. With Elly K, I didn't even think about wearing maternity clothes till 21/22 weeks. WOW....that is totally not even an option this time! I had to pull out the prego jeans way earlier (Like 15-16 weeks). The only problem with my old jeans.....I am about 10 pounds less time around (thanks to losing a good amount of weight prior to getting pregnant) and those jeans feel HUGE!  I feel like I am tugging and pulling them up all the time. And forget wearing them twice before a wash! They have to be wash and dried after each wearing (I have to get them to shrink back up). I would buy some more, but finding my size with a long inseam online is impossible! There must be a ton of pregos right now. HA! Nevertheless, I am still rocking all my normal tops plus a few maternity tops just because they are LONG and comfy. You win some and you lose some. 

Just like my first pregnancy, I really don't have a lot of food cravings. I still enjoy fresh and frozen fruits (I might have eaten 3 peaches last night....just saying). And just like last time, when I think about something good to eat, I want it right then. For example, yesterday afternoon I was headed home. I saw a car tag that had "BTL" on it. Of course my mind when straight to BLT and the rest is history! I stopped at the Publix on the the way home to get bacon. Let me say, that BLT was amazing:
Like "inhaled it" amazing:
I have been feeling this baby kick for a few weeks now. It was around the end of 18 weeks, I felt him moving around for the first time. Just like EK, he is active more in the afternoon and evening than in the mornings.

As far as EK is concerned, she has no clue what is going on. She might be in a few more months but I'm not really worried about it. I think she will be just fine when little brother gets here. She loves her babies (that's a post all on its own) so we are getting her use to patting and hugging them.
 That's about all I can think of right now. I am so thankfully for nice pregnancies and hopefully this little guy will be just as sweet as his older sister!

Sippy Cups

Juice or Milk?....Elly K can't decide!
So she will just enjoy both!

Elly K had a Great Fall...

A few nights after finding out Elly K was going to have a little brother, we decided to have a family night out (AKA dinner out at a place we hadn't been to). 

We went to the Mt. Laurel area, outside of Birmingham. The place is so cute and all the sidewalks are made with pavers. After dinner, we decided to walk around and let EK blow off some energy.
Well let me tell you that pavers and EK do not mix! Poor thing fell down and popped her lip. Of course she cried and you would have thought the world was ending or we had denied her access to her favorite snack. After wiping the blood away and getting hugs from both of us, she finally calmed down. 

So here is it...EK's first busted lip:
Please ignore the dried milk on her head....
Don't worry, I don't think she even realized anything had happened 30 minutes after the fall. However, that scabby lip stuck around for a few days.
 Here's to the first of many (I'm sure)!

It's a.....

If you haven't heard by now, we officially know what we are expecting this late November/early December....
The day before, I had to do a little teaser for all my Instagram peeps:
On July 11th, we headed to the Doctor's office. A few minutes into the ultrasound, Jonathan announced "Is that a girl?" and the lady agreed it was. She showed us the "humps" and proceeded to take pictures:
A couple of minutes later, after I had gotten it in my head we were having a girl, the lady loudly stated "Oh dear, there's a penis!" This little guy was hiding the "goods" from us!! I starting laughing so hard, that of course tears started flowing (Jonathan says I got emotional, when in actuality I was just laughing REALLY hard). I asked her a percentage on her accuracy and she said 99.5%!  Also rest assure, we checked that "end" of the baby a couple of more times before the ultrasound was over!
After the ultrasound was over, the lady went ahead and printed both pictures off for us (the one with "it's a girl" and "it's a boy") so we could mess with a few people that day! This is the picture I sent my mom when she started texting because she thought we should be out of the appointment by then.
When I finally called Mom and Carrie Beth to tell them the news, they put me on speaker phone. No joking here, Elly K really did this when I was telling them it was a boy! Carrie Beth was able to snap this shot while I was still on the phone with them (of course I doctored it up for announcement purposes):
So now the fun begins at our house. We have got to get the man cave/guest room completed so that guest (AKA Gram) have a place to sleep when they come visit. That also means that there will be some changes for EK's room (someone's getting a big girl bed) and we have to create a new nursery for this little boy! I had complete control over EK's room and this time I asked Jonathan if he had any request for this little boy's room...and of course he said HUNTING. So here is what I have found so far. I really don't want a camo room but I love the modern hunting stuff I have been able to find on Etsy and other websites (and thankfully Jonathan likes it too):
 As soon as the process gets started, I will post before and afters!

Mornings with Daddy

This is the picture I got a couple of weeks ago when Elly K stayed with her Daddy. She was using Daddy as a recliner and watching Max and Ruby....our new favorite show:

Happy 4th!

I know, I know....I'm a little behind. July has been a CRAZY month so far (personally and at work). So here is my attempt to get caught up! 

For July 4th, we headed over to Jonathan's Dad's house (AKA Papa). We had a great time swimming, eating, and socializing! I even made some amazing corn dip that everyone loved.

Here is a pic of the cutie before we heading to Papa's house:
As soon as we got there, EK and Jonathan took it to the pool! She loved it:
Papa had bought a slide for the older kids but Elly K thought it was fun to play with the box (the girl still loves some boxes):

EK and cousin Jax had a good time playing. EK loves giving him kisses:
Now she's a "Baby in the Box":
Despite the rain, we had a wonderful 4th of July!! EK slept like a champ that night too!