Party Hard

The little baby that once looked like this:

Is now a big boy that looks like this:

 That's right Curt Cashion is 3 years old! I cannot believe how fast time flies. Curt had a diggers party this year and Gram made him a outfit to match. On this particular Saturday, Elly K and myself enjoyed two great birthday parties. Before attending Curt's, we made our way over the Jenna Grace's (Jonathan's niece) party. I can say that by the end of the day, Elly K had a WONDERFUL night's rest from all her partying.

Elly and her diggers hard hat (can't you see the

Party time with Momma:

And of course here is Jack (who will be 1 next week!!):
Didn't Gram do a great job on Jack and Curt's digger outfits!

Happy Birthday Curt and Jenna Grace (and all my other people with August birthdays)!!

Roll....Elly K.... Roll!

This cutie is officially rolling over (back to belly)! I have a video but its on my mom's phone. Once I get it, I will post it for all to see! Maybe she will start rolling back over in her crib at night time instead of letting us all know she is awake.....

Get these!!

If you see these some where, GET THEM! I hate Oreo cookies but birthday cake flavored ones are amazing! And you can always pick up a pack for me too :)

We live in the country...

A few mornings ago, I was making up the bed in the guest room and I just happened to look out the window to see this:

That's right...its a horse. A random horse. A random horse in our back yard! We went and took these pictures then went back inside. After a little while it was gone. SO RANDOM!

Rice Cereal

 Elly K is doing great with her rice cereal. I am a little behind on blogging about it but I will place the blame moving to a new house (more on that later). The first time she really didn't like it or hate it. She took about 4 or 5 bites and decided she was done. 

August 3, 2012 - First time with rice cereal!

However she is eating it like crazy now. So far she is getting rice cereal twice a day and she already has some fruits and veggies under her belt. Right now she eats bananas (her first "flavor"), green beans, apples, and carrots (not a big fan of these). Pears are next on the list!

Please disregard the mess in this picture. It was only a couple of days after officially being in the new house. It is much better now...I promise!

Shots :(

We made it through Elly K's 4 month shots and thankfully she fell asleep before we even made it to the car! Our growing girl is 14.8 pounds and 25 inches long. I'm just happy we don't have to do that again for another 2 months!!