The Elusive Family Photo

Long gone are the days of a good family picture. We wanted to get one picture of all four of us for Easter...but that didn't really happen. Here's how it went down.

Not ready at all:
Come on Jonathan:
And then his eyes were shut:
Finally Jonathan is looking with eyes open. Oh wait...thanks Elly K for COMPLETELY turning your head the other way.
I really hope it gets better at some point in time or we will never have family photos because right now its Schlenkers: 0 
Bad Pictures: 1

Ladybug Birthday Party!

Here are just a few of the pictures from Elly K's birthday party that we had earlier in the month. She did a GREAT job with all the birthday activities (eating, blowing out candles, opening presents) and the party was a success! Like a said, this is just a small sample of some of the pictures but I wanted to make sure they got on here before the month was over!

Can't believe our little ladybug is TWO! We can't wait to see what this year has to hold for Miss Elly K!

Easter: Part 2

 Some Bunnies got really good Easter baskets this year:

 And of course what does EK find first...M&M's:

 Mr. Cash and all his Easter goodies:
Pretty Easter boy and girl (FYI pictures with both kids is nearly impossible):
One handsome bunny:
And one pretty bunny:

More Easter pictures:

And of course, Bourbon had to get a lick of baby Cash's face:
Hoppy Easter!

Easter: Part 1

I know, I'm a bit behind...but when it gets to the end of the semesters, work ends up at home and its busy around the Schlenker house. So here is Easter two parts:
Saturday, we went on our first real Easter Egg hunt (other than practicing with Gram). She did pretty good:

Cash just came along for the ride:
That evening we dyed 4 eggs (2 cracked in the pot while boiling):
EK had a little too much fun doing this:
And Cash, well Cash really didn't care:

Elly K told us what color each person's egg should be. I had to do a little switching when she told me Cash's needed to be pink:

Epic Elly K "NO WAY" Face!

I can't stop laughing at this!! LOVE.HER!

Five Months and Growing!

 Our guest this month:

First Decent Family Photo

If only we could at least get a smile out of Cash (who cares where they are looking):
We have professional pictures scheduled for May! Hope we can get a "all smiles and looking ahead" good one then (I know...fat chance)!

Silly Kids!

Just got these silly pictures from Gram. I guess the kids are having fun today!

Little climbing on the kitchen:
Mega-watt smile:
Let's just play with toilet paper:
Our Elly K is really a silly silly girl:
Like goofy silly:
And so cute:
Our little bunny:
And her bunny brother too: