So here is what we think happened. We are really sure they have been watching us since February. I had to re-key the house after a key went missing from Julie's key ring. We think they came in and took the key for easy access later but that back fired on them. I changed every lock and chained the doors the next morning after that occurred. Nevertheless, sometime on Wednesday they tried to enter the back door but were not able to. So they came around to the side door (in front of God and everybody) and tried to bust the door in. But when that didn't work they busted out the glass in the door, turned the doorknob, and came on in. Once again I don't even want to know what they did to Gracie, I am just OVERLY THANKFUL she is okay.
Once they got in they took most of our big stuff. We think that they got scared at some point and left cause my room was not nearly as wrecked as poor Julie's was. They even moved her bed to get things in her room.
So in total here is what they got that we know of:
1. 2 laptops and chargers
2. 2 printers
3. Both my cameras
4. 2 straighting irons
5. a TV
6. 2 DVD/VHS combos
7. my hair dryer
8. toilet paper
9. 5 rings and my class ring
10. a diamond necklace
11. a pair of sapphire earrings
12. several bags and baskets to carry stuff in
13. a really nice air mattress
14. a box full of cords and cable
15. CD player with speakers and a remote
16. a battery and charger for a drill but didn't take the drill
I am sure I have forgotten something but this has been a horrible experience. The one thing of value that they really wanted they didn't get! My TV in the living room. Not that they didn't try!

Thankfully my brother did a GREAT job on installing the TV and mount and they didn't get it! But they tried their hardest. They left huge holes on both sides of the TV and bent the mount trying to get it!!
So now I am trying to retrieve receipts and serial numbers for the larger items and for the other stuff I am just writing down what I remember. I do have a new door with no glass and a double key dead bolt (Thanks Lee and Allen). I also put a double key deadbolt on the back door as well! And tomorrow I will be a proud owner of a alarm system! I will feel MUCH better once that is installed!
So hoping that this week would be better instead I got a call from Mom this morning. She tried to call last night but I was already a sleep and didn't hear it. Around 9:30 last night a really bad storm came through Hamilton. They had major tree damage around the house and on it. One tree landed on the house, two just barely missed the deck, and there were a couple more in the front. Here are some pictures she took with her phone and sent to me a few minutes ago.
She has more pictures but they don't have power so she can't send them to me. The power line has been ripped from the house and when I talked to her last she was driving around trying to find a Alabama Power person cause the line is making popping noises and smoking up. SCARY!
So I know this was a really long post but there has been a lot of things going on with the Cashion's! Hopefully I will get the serial numbers to the cops and they can see if anyone has sold them to a pawn shop. If I could tell you the one thing I have learned from this it would be "get serial numbers and keep receipts"! Go around your house and look at anything of value and get the serial numbers! Take pictures of things that don't have numbers and take the pictures and numbers somewhere that is safe!
But before I go I have got to leave you with the good news we got in the mist of the crappiness! Friday Lee and Carrie Beth went to the doctor and it's official!
We can't wait for September to get here and meet the newest addition to the Cashion family!
1 comment:
That's terrible! So sorry to hear about your house :(
Congrats on being an aunt, its wonderful :)
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