Photo Dump

It been a while since I did a good ol' fashion photo dump. So here it goes...

How we usually find EK in the mornings:
We went to Cotton Tails at the BJCC last Friday. She finally decided to get comfortable...really comfortable:

Playing dress up with a dress that I once wore:

Jonathan went to a Shoot and Brag dinner one night and I snapped a pic of these two so nicely dressed:

Please ignore the socks, but how cute it this outfit:
Think she might be hungry?:

Just walking around:

Supper was so good it got in her hair too:

Playing around one night:
Silly Silly Girl:
So so cute (and yes she is hoarding 3 pacis):
Early morning picture:

EK thinks its hilarious when I do this. She will actually put them in my mouth then squeal when I spit them out. Its our version of morning fun:


The Goodins said...

Wait...there are houndstooth pacifiers???

EK is adorable. I love how she sleeps and rides in the stroller!

Bows and Bucks said...

Yes! They have them at Walmart in boy and girl versions. The boy colors include the houndstooth and a chevron!