Beachy Fun!

I'll be back shortly! We are off having some beachy fun! 


Cutest pigtails ever!! 

Almost Time For....

She may not know it yet, but we are just a week or two away from EK's big girl room being complete! Just a few more things to get/do and she will be living it up in her very on daybed. 

Over the weekend, we did find some sheets for her room:
Of course, she had to assess them for softness and comfort:
 As soon as the room is complete, I will make sure to post pictures! After her room is done, we are moving on to her baby brothers room (10 weeks left so I better get in gear).

Spend the Night Guest

Last night we had a guest at the Schlenker house. Elly K was excited about it but its hard to tell since Team Umizoomi was the "mobie" playing is Gram's van. This means some serious TV watching:
Nevertheless, here was our guest for the evening...Mr. Jack:
Our two big kids going up the stairs like professionals:
And of course, Gram took them shopping this morning...wonder which one was the better driver:

iPhone Dump: Late Summer Version....

Just a few pictures from the ol' iPhone so you can see what we have been up to lately!

Elly K is starting to wear her sunglasses more frequently:
Book time with Daddy:
EK is really into putting clothes on! Even when she is fully dressed (that is almost 3 complete outfits):
Its blurry but that's Elly K practicing her new circus act:
And here is another act we like to practice...planking:
Of course we still love Max and Ruby before bedtime...but Team Umizoomi is the newest fad in the house:
I gave EK the pack of hotdogs in Wal-Mart (at her request). Guess she was hungry....:
So many toys, so little time:
I keep finding this one backwards than the way I laid her down...wonder what she does in there after I leave the room:
She makes our bed look HUGE:
Team Umizooni takes serious concentration:

Sunday River Time

While in Hamilton this past weekend, Mom wanted to get a picture of me and EK for her house. So after a good nap (for both of us), we headed outside to take some pictures like this one:

 Once the pictures were over we all decided to head to the river for a little fun! Miss EK doesn't know what to think about the float:
 And there are very few smiles at the river because rock throwing is a MUST:
 Elly K and her boat captain:
 Jonathan thought that I needed to be all the way in the water (not happy about my nice clean hair getting wet):
 All of us in the river:
 On the way back to the house, I told EK to smile at Gram. She totally did and this is the picture she snapped. I love that little girl's "cheese" face:
 After a bath and some dinner bites, I just had to snap a picture of this little girl's curls! I know as soon as we cut her hair they will be gone, so I am trying to soak them in as much as I can now:

Hamilton Bound

For the holiday weekend, we made our way up to Hamilton (as well as CB and the nephews). I just had to share a few photos from all the fun we had!

Curt needed to check on the new baby. He wanted to feel it move:
Auburn Stinks :)

 I love this picture of the kids! Elly K looks like "Oh heck no, that just didn't happen":
 All three kiddos watching the Alabama game...HA! Yeah right. This was totally a Max and Ruby moment:

Two down...One to go

I'm officially in my third trimester as of yesterday! 
 This baby boy will be here before we know it!