Spring Break '14

This year, we didn't go any where for spring break. I really want Cash to at least be sitting up before we make any trips. However, Miss EK got to spend the second part of the week with her cousins ("the boys" as she refers to them) in Hamilton.
Here are a few shots that Gram sent us from some of their adventures.

Where's Elly K?:
Riding around in style:
Many trips to the river (aka the beach) to dig and throw rocks:
Playing in Gram and Pop's bed:
Jonathan, Cash and I went up on Saturday and I rode back with Gram on Sunday (with all four kids that had not taken naps):
So after we dropped the boys off at their house it took about 15 minutes and I noticed EK had gone to sleep! She hardly ever sleeps in the car:
I even took her all the way up to her room and laid her on her big girl bed where she slept 15 more minutes before I woke her up. That late of a nap would only make night time miserable:
I can't wait till Cash is a little older and he will get to tag along on the journeys to Hamilton!

Oatmeal...its what's for dinner!

In honor of this big man turning four months old, he got to try oatmeal for the first time (3.28.14). I wasn't sure how he would do with it since he had some issues with bottles early on, but he did better than expected for the first time!
His finger probably tasted better than the oatmeal:
He wasn't so sure about it at first:
But he happily ate every bite:

iPhone Pictures: Early Spring Edition

Just a few pictures from the past week or so off the good ol' iPhone.
Sometimes EK wants to be a baby again:
Telling me that she was about to kick that "fower":
Cousin Love:
Worn out from all that cousin love:
Early mornings at our house:
Making eggs for daddy:
Picking "fowers":
Look at our big man:
Playing hide and seek with Cash:
 Cash's mean face (its still cute):
He loves her:

Four Months Flew By!

Trip to Walmart

I didn't know that a trip to Wal-Mart could be so much fun with a pair of sunglasses! 

Giggles and Goofiness

Mr. Cash is such a giggler!
His little laughs are the sweetest!
And he has someone to laugh at...this goofy girl:
So much goofing around to do but so little time:

Bath Night with Daddy

This is what happens when daddy is left in charge of bath time...

Clowning Around with Dam

Yesterday Gram ("Dam" as EK calls her) had a really good time with the kids. They did a lot of clowning around!
I love Cash's face in this picture:

That's How He Rolls!

Cash is a belly sleeper (he sleeps better this way). He has been from the beginning. Well Mr. Cash has been waking up far from the position that he went to sleep in. This is how I found him at 4:45 this morning:
Our little man is rolling over (belly to back)! He has done it before but the is the first time I got a picture of it. He is really close to getting the back to belly part but he hates laying there long enough to accomplish this. Our boy likes to sit up...lol!

Hamilton Bound

This past weekend we headed to Hamilton for some good family fun. My brother made it back last month from being in Afghanistan and this was his first time to make it to Hamilton since being back. Since this was this case, we all headed to Hamilton for a weekend of playing outside and really good food (Thanks Gram).

Mr. Cash loves going outside:
And EK loves to swing (must get a swing at home soon):
Momma/Daughter Selfie:
My wonderful husband lost his toy helicopter in a tree...so he went to retrieve it:
I know its hard to see but that's Jonathan, in a tree...with a chain saw. Can you say smart? (Please do not try this at home):
And of course the nephews loved getting to hold Mr. Cash:
I love that Curt refers to him as his "sweet baby cousin"!
Can't wait for many more family weekends this summer in Hamilton.