Spring Break '14

This year, we didn't go any where for spring break. I really want Cash to at least be sitting up before we make any trips. However, Miss EK got to spend the second part of the week with her cousins ("the boys" as she refers to them) in Hamilton.
Here are a few shots that Gram sent us from some of their adventures.

Where's Elly K?:
Riding around in style:
Many trips to the river (aka the beach) to dig and throw rocks:
Playing in Gram and Pop's bed:
Jonathan, Cash and I went up on Saturday and I rode back with Gram on Sunday (with all four kids that had not taken naps):
So after we dropped the boys off at their house it took about 15 minutes and I noticed EK had gone to sleep! She hardly ever sleeps in the car:
I even took her all the way up to her room and laid her on her big girl bed where she slept 15 more minutes before I woke her up. That late of a nap would only make night time miserable:
I can't wait till Cash is a little older and he will get to tag along on the journeys to Hamilton!

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