Update on Cash!

Although we finally started sitting up really well about a week and a half ago:
As of Saturday (7 months old on the day), Cash started make forward progress with CRAWLING!
That's right ladies and gentlemen, our little boy is on the move (and determined):
It still takes some time to get to where he wants to go:
But we are officially on the move (and cute at it):

Elly K.....The Model

While in Hamilton (at some point this summer), Gram snapped a few pictures of Elly K. 
Gram asked her to smile and she literally posed for the picture (no smile just like a real model would do):
Then before church that particular Sunday, Gram also got Miss EK looking sharp with her pigtails and ladybugs:

Love her:

Cowboys, a Cowgirl and a horse...

A couple of weekends ago, all the grand-kids were in Hamilton. When we all got there, Gram had a box of goodies for the kiddos!
 Check out the Western Themed Grand-Kid Collection:

Pictures with Daddy

Since the kids were in picture taking moods, I was able to take a couple of really cute pictures of Jonathan with each kid. I'm going to try for some pictures with me and the kids tonight so hopefully I will have some to post tomorrow. 
My men:
Daddy and Daughter:

Seven Months Old!

Our Mr. Cash is growing and growing these days! I can't believe its already been seven months. CRAZY!

Elly K requested that her picture be taken this month as well:
And I couldn't resist getting a picture of her in "HER chair":
Also she wanted to get a picture with Cash...and we all should know by now how that is going to end up:

My Goal!

Now that I have children and Play-Doh will be a fixture in my life, I have a goal to become a great Play-Doh designer! It all started when Elly K asked me to "make a rainbow with colors." I had NO CLUE what she was talking about, so I called my Mom to ask if she knew. Well apparently the day before, Elly K and The Boys (her cousins) made rainbows with Dam (Gram). She said there was a rainbow on the side of the Play-Doh box and that was what EK wanted me to make. 
So here was my first attempt...(sad, I know):
Same night, next attempt...getting better:
A couple of nights later, I was determined to make a better rainbow:
 Now I look forward to Play-Doh time. Who knows what I will make next! (Why yes, I just posted a blog about Play-Doh...sometimes its the smallest things that become the most fun around our house)

Two Teeth

Yes, I am a month and a half behind on this one. I thought for sure if I waited longer, I would have more teeth to post about. But I don't...just the two that he got back on May 1st and May 2nd. Two little, SHARP, teeth! Maybe in the next few weeks he will get a couple more, but until then, he sure is a cutie with his two pearly whites:

Our Creepy Smiling Kids

Our kids are mega cute but sometimes they have this creepy smile. The "I'm going to get you one day" smile! LOL!
Creepy smiling in his big boy high chair! Yes he is officially taking all his meals at home sitting a little higher now:
Even Elly K has a creepy smile:
 Thankfully this smile only occurs about 2% of the time. The rest of the time we get beautiful, angelic smiles. :)

So Close to Sitting Up!

Someone in our house is getting SO CLOSE to sitting up:
He still needs something to hold on to while sitting up:
But still, he is oh.so.close:
I think he just wants to sit up so he can play more with Elly K and not be attacked rolled on by her:

Two Cool Kids

Elly K and her these sunglasses!:
She now asks for them all the time and loves wearing them. I have even caught her putting them on and dancing to the music:
I wanted to see if Cash looked as cool with the sunglasses on:
 But he told me he was too cute cool for sunglasses: