My Goal!

Now that I have children and Play-Doh will be a fixture in my life, I have a goal to become a great Play-Doh designer! It all started when Elly K asked me to "make a rainbow with colors." I had NO CLUE what she was talking about, so I called my Mom to ask if she knew. Well apparently the day before, Elly K and The Boys (her cousins) made rainbows with Dam (Gram). She said there was a rainbow on the side of the Play-Doh box and that was what EK wanted me to make. 
So here was my first attempt...(sad, I know):
Same night, next attempt...getting better:
A couple of nights later, I was determined to make a better rainbow:
 Now I look forward to Play-Doh time. Who knows what I will make next! (Why yes, I just posted a blog about Play-Doh...sometimes its the smallest things that become the most fun around our house)

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