Elly K the BIG GIRL!

Eleven months ago, yes ELEVEN months ago, we attempted to get Elly K to sleep in a big girl bed. We wanted to use her crib for Cash. Apparently she wasn't ready to depart from her crib yet and thankfully my brother and SIL had a crib we could use! For the past 11 months, Elly K's room has had a crib AND a big girl bed in it. I think she would be happy staying in her crib longer but we are ready to move that crib out and put other things in its place. So yesterday, Jonathan added another guardrails on the daybed (can you say over sized crib) and last night the big girl bed was successful used! My definition of success means she didn't climb out and I didn't have to sit in there with her till she went to sleep (both occurred a lot last time we tried this). 

I know this picture is blurry but it makes me happy!
She did cry out around 2:30 am, so I went to check on her. When I got in the room, I realized she was crying because she wanted to be in her big girl bed. Poor thing! I had to remind her she was in it and a couple of kisses later, she was back to snoozing.

 Paci-free and crib-free all in less than 7 days! Now we gotta work on those potty training skills!

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