Before and After and some more….

Bad Apple Frames to the rescue! Mom (and Dad) made me 5 picture frames and brought them down to Tuscaloosa this weekend! I don’t think these pictures give them enough justice! And Mom has finally got the website up and running for her business. Check out!!


AfterDSCN0707Before  DSCN0690                                    AfterDSCN0702DSCN0703

Another frame for the guest room!DSCN0705

  This is the frame that Mom made for Lee and Carrie Beth! It is HUGE!!DSCN0685

Steal of the week! I found this at TJ Maxx for $25. It may look small in the picture but it is actually 3 and half feet tall!DSCN0694   And of course, here is a picture of Tank (AKA Buddy Fat Pants! He is posing with his new harness on. DSCN0696