Random Springiness

Here are a few pictures from over the past few weeks!

Good morning smile from Gram and Pop's house:

Gram's little Easter chick:

Playing in the back yard:

After taking a tumble in the backyard...mouthful of grass:
 Just a rocking in her cute springy outfit!
Finally getting to ride in the big kid cart at Pubilx (also right next to one of her faves):

Climbing on Momma:

This past weekend EK went to Gram and Pop's a day earlier than me and Jonathan. It was a rush packing job and we forgot to send Gram home with her highchair (that we borrowed for the birthday party). Here is the fix to not having a highchair for a 1 year old...strapped in with a towel:
Someone finally got a toothbrush (no judgements, I know is late since she has 6 teeth but I would ALWAYS forget to put it on the list):
Also this past weekend, Gram, EK and myself when shoe shopping. This is what we found when we opened the door after a 20 minute ride:

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