Doctors Appointments

This past Friday, Elly K had two doctors appointments. The first was in downtown Birmingham at the Pediatric Cardiologist at 8:15 am and the second was her 1 year check up in the Inverness area at 10:00 am. It was raining and knowing how traffic on 280 can be (and worse in the rain), we were up and out the door by 6:50!

Of course, EK can't miss breakfast. Thankfully I packed a cereal bar and some chocolate cheerios:

We made it to the first appointment with 15 minutes to spare. They had Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on but EK was more interested in talking to all the staff at the office:

Report from Cardiologist: She still has a small hole in her lower chambers (VSD). However, it is SO SMALL that he would never recommend any restrictions and it still has a chance of closing up. :) Next check-up in 2 years!!

Next stop, EK's one year check-up:
1 year stats:
22.6 pounds (75% percentile)
31 inches long (95% percentile)
5 shots (had to get caught up from missing one at her 9 month appt)

After the last doctor appointment, EK didn't make it down the road 2 miles till I turned and saw her like this:
We got home, I took her to her crib and she slept another 2 hours! 
All in all, doctors appointments are no fun and will wear you out...

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