Basement Makeover

As a college instructor, I get breaks in-between each semester. I feel like each break I get, I create a list of house projects that need to get accomplished. This break, the basement makeover was top priority since baby #2 will be here before you know it.  We orignally wanted the basement to be a Man Cave for Jonathan, but we also need a new guest room since the current one will be turning into a nursery over the next few months. So the solution was very simple, we created a multi-purpose room that can pull both duties.  Nevertheless, since painting/home makeovers and 16 month olds do not mix, EK went for an extended visit to Gram and Pop's house. Also Jonathan was on night shift, so this work was done quietly (not to wake Jonathan) and quickly (so EK could come home), while I had a few days off from school. 

Here is the basement before. We had already painted two of the walls a few weeks back but stopped there. Yes, this picture is not pretty but I wanted you to see exactly what I started with on Day 1: Basement Makeover:
Same view after 4 days of hard work:
We still need to hang the deer heads back up and get one of those cord hiders for the TV cable! However the difference is CRAZY WONDERFUL! 

Before from a different angle:
The finished part of our basement already had a bathroom, but boy it was not pretty AT ALL. It was all white/beige and NASTY:
After (I put the floor down and Jonathan installed a nice, new,  CLEAN toilet):
After (we are still working on some of the finishing towel bars):
 FYI - I got this vanity top at Lowes for $66 (marked down from $128) and we were able to get a new vanity for just over $100 at Southeastern Salvage. Two coats of walnut stain and a little elbow grease from Jonathan and we have a very handsome vanity (and might I add TALLER)!

Overall, the basement makeover was a success in my book! Yes...painting is NOT FUN (all the walls, trim, and doors had to be painted) and we still have a few things that we would like/need to do but for now it is a fully functioning Man Cave/Guest Room! I was also able to get Elly K's room painted (walls, trim, and doors) but I will save that for another post when we get her big girl room finished by October.

1 comment:

The Goodins said...

It looks great! I wouldn't expect anything less :)