Night Time Routine

Over the past few weeks, we finally got Elly K into a night time routine. You might even say, she put herself on a night time routine! I don't care either way, I am just happy that night time is fun!

It all starts around 7:00-7:15 with a bath. This girl loves some bath time.
She will let me play with her hair:
Recently, the bath cloth has become her favorite toy:
And of course, bath time ends up with a cute and clean little girl:
Sometimes, while waiting on Elly K to decide she is ready to get out of the bath, I get in on the towel action:
FYI - EK thinks its hilarious when I wear her towel! 

After bath time, we head to Momma and Daddy's bed. I will apply lotion, clothes, and give medicine (she takes Zyrtec each night) all while watching Elly K's FAVORITE show....Max and Ruby (I just sang the tune to the show as I typed it....the joys of cartoons).
She gets to watch one episode (3 mini shows) then is it off to bed:
Even when we have guest, they get in on the night time routine too:
After all is said and done, she is usually in her bed by 8:00/8:15! Sometime, she is so sleepy that she won't wait till Max and Ruby is over. She will simply slide herself off our bed and head for hers! LOVE IT!
 I would also like to mention how wonderful she sleeps at night (minus the occasional issue). It will be very interesting to see how the next bundle of joy will fit into the routine!

1 comment:

Liz said...

She is too cute Katie. I'm sure we will get to meet her eventually!