Beach Trip - Part 2

So the second part of our beach trip needs to be blogged about before its November (by the way...where has this month gone already...). Anyways, each day we went to the beach. We borrowed a wagon for this trip and it made getting to the beach MEGA easy. Elly K and the cooler would fit in the wagon and then Jonathan and I could get the rest. 
Very convenient and cute:
We didn't have a long stroll to the beach and back at all:
We even went on a walk in the wagon one evening:
Elly K loved it. She would just lay back and enjoy the ride:
But back to the beach! We may have put EK in a hole (and she didn't like it at all):
But don't worry, she didn't hold it against us for long. This girl knows when to say "cheese". We don't even have to ask her to half the time:
Love that cheesy face:
I thought this was too cute not to post. One of the days we were there, EK took a later nap than I wanted her to. Since we were in a camper, I had to lay with her to go to sleep. Well after about an hour with her, I came out to find this note from Jonathan:
Oh and just so you know, EK really enjoyed her unusual bath spots. Two of the nights this occurred outside but one night (the night she had suntan lotion in her eyes) I did bath time inside:
During our last night here, I was exhausted and went to sleep when Elly K did. However, Jonathan sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather.....and a visit from a friend! I saw one raccoon our first night there but this time the raccoon just came on over to the campsite and dug around. Jonathan even tried to scare him off but it didn't care at all (you have to look closely to see it):
Finally, we headed back to Alabama after a nice beach trip. We made it half way back and decided it was time to get the little one out of the truck for a little bit. Of course we stopped at the same Flying J that we stopped at Friday night/Saturday morning. However, this time EK decided to play peek-a-boo with me till it was time to eat!
Overall, we had a wonderful trip! If you ever want to really get away from it all, Port St. Joe's State Park is the place to go. And I mean really get away from it ALL! Even cell phone service! It was so weird being that "disconnected" from the world. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful family vacation and can't wait to take EK (and her brother) back to the beach next year!!

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