Saturday Night Dates

A couple of week ago, I kept the Cashion boys so their momma could go out for a little bit. EK still adores Curt and Jack so keeping all three has never been an issue. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! 
I thought I would share some of the moments from our date night with the boys.

This blur would be Jack tickling Elly K:
And then Curt got in on the action and started a pillow fight with her:
Due to a recent dishwasher issue, we had a box to play with outside:
But EK was more interested in going up the slide...with her one sock on (FYI - she learned this wasn't much fun after a couple of falls):
Trying to get them to eat supper was entertaining. There was too much playing to do to slow down for eating:
And the night ended with Curt and Jack performing the "Hotdog" dance for me:
We always have fun with the Cashion boys!

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