Halloween Festivities

The week prior to Halloween was filled with several Halloween related activities. 
Of course we carved a pumpkin:
Which Elly K could have cared less about. So it was up to me and Jonathan to get the job done:
Finished product:
This past Saturday (during half-time of the Alabama game) we headed to a local Trunk-or-Treat. Our cheerleader was ready for the action:
However, all she really cared about was seeing the balloons. Maybe next year she will understand the concept of free candy a little bit better:
No candy needed for this one...just her balloon:
Our little cheerleader says "Roll Tide":
The next night we headed over to Pelham for a Trunk-or-Treat with the Cashion boys. This evening Miss EK was a ballerina (eating beef jerky and refusing to wear the bow):
So pretty:

Then last night (Halloween night) we decided to stay in since there was rain headed our way. Nevertheless, EK had another cute "costume" to wear for the evening (thanks to Gram):
So here is the Halloween 2013 wrap-up:
We can't wait till next year when she will better understand the concept of Halloween (and bring home some candy for her momma and daddy)!

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