Our little man quickly got to 10 months old a couple of days ago!
 Two more months and we will be having a birthday party! Hard to believe!!
And if you are wondering...Elly K really loves Cash:
She loves him so much it hurts:
She might be a bit over zealous in the hug department! HA! 


This past weekend our yard got a MAJOR makeover. When we bought the house the plants outside were overgrown and in the way. Also they were just the wrong plants all together!
Here is what we started with way back when we bought the house:
Jonathan did a lot of the work to get the project started which included ripping up plants and filling in the massive holes. I just want to say, those plants were way to big for this space and WAY to close to the house:
Instead of mulch, we went with red rock. Cash supervised it being delivered:
He also thought they were very tasty:
Our other helper liked to climb the rock pile:
So for us to get the most accomplished, EK and Cash were sent to Gram and Pop's house while we whipped the yard back into shape!

So are the before and after photos:
We thought we would be done on Saturday before the rain on Sunday. Well thank goodness it didn't rain at all Sunday and we got the job completely done! Now we just need to water and hope our plants GROW!

Getting on the Boat:

We thought it would be fun to take a little adventure as we left the beach this year. Since we stayed in Fort Morgan, we were only a couple of minutes away from the ferry that goes to Dauphin Island. This worked out perfectly! Elly K wanted to go back to the beach on the day we were leaving. However, we were able to stop any fits before they started by tell her we were going to get on a boat. She was all about it and she was ready to leave so she could get on the boat! Neither Jonathan or myself have ever been on a ferry with vehicles so this was a new experience for us as well. It was very neat and totally worth $20! 
Loading the boat with 26 vehicles:
Elly K telling us about the water:
We let Cash drive us while on the ferry ride ;) :
And EK got to sit with me (excuse the pop tart on her face):
All the cars and trucks:
Very windy and very bright:
No smiles from Cash...too much was going on:
 The ferry was a fun way to end a great trip!

Beach Trip 2014

WARNING: Lots of pictures ahead! 
This year we headed back to the beach for the now annual Schlenker Family Beach Trip. This was EK's third time to go to the beach and Cash's first. This time we headed in-state to the Fort Morgan area. I was able to find us a two bedroom condo (that was a must with two kids) for a great rate and off we went to the beach! 

Elly K didn't want the sun in her eyes on the way down there, so a hat did the trick:
Cash need a little Momma lovin' to get to sleep:
Elly K told Cash "no, baby Tash, you will fall off!":
Her version of laying out:
 So much digging to be accomplished:
 He loved it:
 Our little model:
 This look meant that something was in his mouth (which was all the time on the beach):
 Sweet Love (and Cash still has something in his mouth):
 And the look we would get when we took away what ever object he had in his mouth (possible objects: shells, sticks, or just hand fulls of sand):
 Ruffles and Waves:
 Watching sister:
 The second day we were there, the waves were leaving puddles of water higher up on the beach. This was perfect for EK and Cash. She would run and jump in the "muddy puddles" (she loves Peppa Pig) and Cash would just giggle when he got splashed:
 Love baby bellies and a speedo:
 Checking on Cash:
 More water to jump in:
 She loved to throw the sand too:
 Remember the little girl that wouldn't even get in a pool or a river just a couple of weeks before this trip?? Well don't worry, that fear is over for sure now.
 How we got to the beach:
 Lounging in her beach chair that "Dam" bought her before the trip:
 "Cheese" again:
 Our other little digger:
Our set up for two days:
And our dinner for two nights (Jonathan out did himself because the meals were amazing):
 Once again, we had a great time at the beach! The kids loved it and we love getting to see them play in the sand (although not fun to clean off). Can't wait till next September for the 3rd Annual Schlenker Family Beach Trip!!!


....it's what's for dinner:

Pure Sweetness

She likes to hold his hand...heart melts: