Losing the Pre-baby Weight...

Jonathan and I are going on a trip! We are going on our belated honeymoon soon and we both want to trim down. You see, for our honeymoon we are going to Punta Cana and what will we be wearing a lot of in Punta Cana.....swimsuits! It just hurts to think about having to buy one! I hate swimsuit shopping. So before we go on our adventure, we decided we needed to trim down. I needed to loose some of my pre-baby weight and Jonathan needed to just trim down in general. By the way, I am calling it pre-baby weight because I lost all my "baby" weight within 2 weeks of having EK (thank you stomach virus...). 

So here is the plan. I am cutting carbs and Jonathan is cutting them with the meals we have together. He still eats normal at work. 

Our motivational board. Located in the kitchen. I thought we needed some motivation we could see as we eat/cook.

First low carb meal. Chicken casserole and Southwestern veggies:

EK was shocked how fast I lost my first 5 pounds. By the way, the scale is also in the kitchen...talk about motivation!

YUMMY low carb chicken pizza!
My first week!! I haven't lost as much each week since then, but I am still making wonderful progress (13 pounds and counting)

Another low carb meal:
I will post again in a few days with the months totals for both of us!


Whitney said...

Can you message me where you are finding your low carb recipes? I would love to try those out and I need to get back on the diet train :)

Whitney said...
