Southern Winter Weather

Talk about some nasty weather last week here in Alabama. We had rain everyday for a week! CRAZY. So crazy, I broke out the good ol' rain boots.

Then on Thursday afternoon the snow started to fall. I had already booked a doctors appointment with a new group and I wasn't going to miss it. Since we moved after Elly K was born, we were still driving 30-40 minutes to Trussville to her doctor. I called the few pediatrician offices around here for the past few months and no one was accepting new patients. Then my SIL, Jennifer, let me know her kids' office was accepting and we FINALLY got in to a much closer office. 

So before I left the house to head over the mountain, I snapped this shot of the house with snow:

On top of the mountain was beautiful:

We got to the doctors office in one piece, saw the new doctor, sat in traffic to get back over the mountain, and by the time we got home (less than 2 hours later) the house looked like this:
I would have loved to have seen more snow, but I was so happy to see the sun as well! Crazy.Alabama.Winters.

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