Dancing Queen (Literally)

This weekend, we attended a wedding. This weekend, we learned quite a bit about our daughter. This weekend, our daughter was a dancing queen! 
After an hour drive and an hour wedding, EK was acting a little whiny. However, once she hit the dance floor, she was good to go! 
She had crazy arms! 
Then the dress went up...
She would sit down to only keep on dancing while seated! 
She got down low:
And the dress went up again! 
Yep...that's Elly K, our daughter: 
She even danced with complete strangers!! 
We were shocked at how crazy and happy she was dancing! There were very few people that didn't see Elly K dancing since the band's lead singer mentioned EK's dancing abilities at least three times...over the microphone! 


The Goodins said...

Precious! I don't know why you're surprised...'she get it from her Mama!' ;)

Julie said...

love! kaitlyn danced the night way when my brother got married. she was 3 at the time and she caught the attention of EVERYONE!