A Trip to the River

This past weekend, I headed to Hamilton to pick-up Miss EK from Gram and Pop's house. She had been staying with them since Tuesday night since Jonathan and I were out of town (I had a conference in New Orleans for work). I ended up staying the weekend (Jonathan had to work) and on Saturday, Carrie Beth and the boys made there way to Hamilton as well. 

So of course we had to go play at the river!!

Best Cousins For Life:
Elly K loved being in the float. However, if you put her down to walk she would freeze up. It was quite hilarious! She has walked on those rocks several times, so I don't know what her deal was on this occasion.
Gram and Pop enjoyed the river the most (please notice that Gracie, a Shih Tzu, is sitting on my dad's lap....in the river....HA):
Gram, Pop, and the grand-kids:
So happy that Elly K (and her future sibling) will get to enjoy the river as much as I did when I was a child!

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