It's a.....

If you haven't heard by now, we officially know what we are expecting this late November/early December....
The day before, I had to do a little teaser for all my Instagram peeps:
On July 11th, we headed to the Doctor's office. A few minutes into the ultrasound, Jonathan announced "Is that a girl?" and the lady agreed it was. She showed us the "humps" and proceeded to take pictures:
A couple of minutes later, after I had gotten it in my head we were having a girl, the lady loudly stated "Oh dear, there's a penis!" This little guy was hiding the "goods" from us!! I starting laughing so hard, that of course tears started flowing (Jonathan says I got emotional, when in actuality I was just laughing REALLY hard). I asked her a percentage on her accuracy and she said 99.5%!  Also rest assure, we checked that "end" of the baby a couple of more times before the ultrasound was over!
After the ultrasound was over, the lady went ahead and printed both pictures off for us (the one with "it's a girl" and "it's a boy") so we could mess with a few people that day! This is the picture I sent my mom when she started texting because she thought we should be out of the appointment by then.
When I finally called Mom and Carrie Beth to tell them the news, they put me on speaker phone. No joking here, Elly K really did this when I was telling them it was a boy! Carrie Beth was able to snap this shot while I was still on the phone with them (of course I doctored it up for announcement purposes):
So now the fun begins at our house. We have got to get the man cave/guest room completed so that guest (AKA Gram) have a place to sleep when they come visit. That also means that there will be some changes for EK's room (someone's getting a big girl bed) and we have to create a new nursery for this little boy! I had complete control over EK's room and this time I asked Jonathan if he had any request for this little boy's room...and of course he said HUNTING. So here is what I have found so far. I really don't want a camo room but I love the modern hunting stuff I have been able to find on Etsy and other websites (and thankfully Jonathan likes it too):
 As soon as the process gets started, I will post before and afters!

1 comment:

The Goodins said...

Yay for a baby boy! The nursery inspiration looks really cute!