Elly K had a Great Fall...

A few nights after finding out Elly K was going to have a little brother, we decided to have a family night out (AKA dinner out at a place we hadn't been to). 

We went to the Mt. Laurel area, outside of Birmingham. The place is so cute and all the sidewalks are made with pavers. After dinner, we decided to walk around and let EK blow off some energy.
Well let me tell you that pavers and EK do not mix! Poor thing fell down and popped her lip. Of course she cried and you would have thought the world was ending or we had denied her access to her favorite snack. After wiping the blood away and getting hugs from both of us, she finally calmed down. 

So here is it...EK's first busted lip:
Please ignore the dried milk on her head....
Don't worry, I don't think she even realized anything had happened 30 minutes after the fall. However, that scabby lip stuck around for a few days.
 Here's to the first of many (I'm sure)!

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