Take a Hike

A couple of Friday mornings ago, both Jonathan and I were off were and it was gorgeous outside so we decided to take the kids on a hike. Elly K was super pumped to get to run around outside and she happily let us take pictures of her! So here is our Friday morning hiking adventure.
EK and Daddy by the water:
She never smiles with pictures I'm in too. Oh well, at least we got one together:
The "waterfall":
I told Cash to be on the lookout for Bigfoot:
She loved the water:
She looks so small in the woods:
We haven't taken a picture of just us in a long time:
Apparently hiking in the woods will wear a baby out. He has never just passed out like this. Cash literally fell asleep sitting up. And of course you have to take a picture when rare things like this happen:
After our hike, we realized that EK need some better shoes for hiking. So Miss Priss got some pink shoes to put her piggies in (and she was photo bombed by Daddy):

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