New House Pictures

Before I get any further behind, I need to write about our new house. Back in June we found a house that we loved and met all of our needs. 3-4 bedrooms...Check. Basement...Check. Man cave...Check. Lots of closet space...Check. Closer to my work...Check. Fireplace...Check. More than 8 feet away from your neighbors...check. MORE ROOM IN GENERAL...CHECK! 
So after they accepted our offer we closed on July 31st! That following week we started painting. We only had one week to paint then the movers were coming (I never thought we could afford movers but thanks to Groupon we did). 

Here are a few pictures from the first few days in the house. Jonathan started painting before I could get a true before picture but you can see the other paint color in this one of the living room:

The other side of the living room and the front door:

 Living room again but looking down the hallway:

One of three bay windows we have:

Entrance to the kitchen from the living room:

Our kitchen:

From the kitchen looking into the dining room:

From the dining from to the kitchen:

The master bedroom:

 There are a lot more rooms but all we have really done so far is painted the walls. Over the next few weeks/months I will go into details about each room and what has changed/still needs to be done, so stay tuned in!

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