Sick :(

Last week Miss Elly K came down with a bad case of the snotty nose. No fever just a nasty, no good, snotty nose. By Thursday of last week, I ended up taking a day off work so I could take her to the doctor (just to check her ears). 
During this time, EK starting making a new face. This face is her method of breathing through all the snot. She is still doing it a little this week since the nastiness has lingered a bit. I know its her wanting to breathe better but its so dang cute!

Poor Thing (but so cute)!
 Over the weekend I ended up with the same problem. Not sure what pollen or seed we are both allergic to but this week has been NO FUN! Since I'm still breastfeeding there is very little I can take for allergies.  So I have been suffering through this for almost a week. I am ready for this mess to pass and we can all get back to breathing normal.


The Goodins said...

How precious!! But I hate y'all are sick. I am too. I've seen articles about how much worse allergies are this year :(

Whitney said...

So sorry you guys are sick but that face is too cute!