This is getting old!
All Around the Mulberry Bush!

The Tree Killer!
And the tree is down!
This is Julie, my roommate! Once she found out that it was a Mulberry tree, she ate at least 6 handfuls! And this picture shows her still eating the berries even after the tree was down!
Playing Around

Doggie Time!

Here is my little Gracie! She didn't like Capo AT ALL! I really thought that she would end up playing with him some, but I was wrong. Although she did let him chase her out in the yard. Who knows, I guess with age she has become less social than she use to be!
This is Ethel! She is a stray that came up to our house about 4 years ago. She is an amazing dog and only has 3 legs, but you would never it know it. I believe that she was some body's dog and they ditched her near our house!
This is Lucy. She is now 8 years old! This was the only picture I got of her this weekend. She was not at all excited about another dog being in the house. Lucy is very set in her ways and it will probably take a day or two to get over the Capo weekend.
So after a long weekend in Hamilton, Capo and I arrived back to Tuscaloosa! We got to Brett's house and he was not there! Capo was so sad.......can you tell?
Excitment and Mother's day
On another note, this weekend was very pleasant, except when we were all woke up to a tornado warning! There were 11 areas of circulation over Marion county at one time. Nevertheless, I went home to spend time with the parental units and celebrate Mother's day. I took Capo home with me and my dogs did not like him at all! It was not that he was mean to them (cause he wasn't). They are just anti-social and he just wanted to play. I took a ton of pictures and will post some later (still haven't found the camera cord).
Now I know its mine!
Here is view of my huge back yard! I have to buy a lawn mower!
Here is the BLUE bathroom. I have decided to use white and dark brown! I think is will end up looking pretty good when I am done!
The is the living room! I am so ready to put my flat panal TV on that wall!
And of course I couldn't let you miss out on the carpeted kitchen! LOL! This will look VERY different when I am through!
This is one of the bedrooms! Just wait till you see what I have in store of this room! It is going to look amazing!
So I think its mine!
Over the past week, I have also decided to paint everything in the house that can be painted. Half the house has white molding, the other has stained wood. Half the house has white doors and windows, the other has stained wood. Everything is going to be uniform! I am even painting the ceiling and the kitchen cabinets! Looks like I have my work cut out for me this summer! I am closing on May 16th. So as soon as I get in there and take some before pictures I will post them. My plan is to use this blog to show my progress to everyone and keep me motivated towards my goal!
On another subject, I went to the doctor Monday and I have a bad sinus infection. Since I am only 7 weeks post-op, he is being over cautious and loaded me with meds! The two shots in my hips burnt really bad. Nevertheless, after taking off yesterday to rest, I am feeling much better today! Hopefully I won't have to go back and see him until July!