So I think its mine!

As of Friday, it looks like I am going to get the house I mentioned in a prior blog! I cannot believe that I am going to be a homeowner. That is so weird to say, especially since I have been renting for so long. What make me even happier is the fact I have a project to start working on! I absolutely LOVE painting and decorating. I have already made a trip to Lowe's. I have picked out counter tops, paint, flooring for where that horrible carpet is, and ceiling fans (I am going to need three new ones)!
Over the past week, I have also decided to paint everything in the house that can be painted. Half the house has white molding, the other has stained wood. Half the house has white doors and windows, the other has stained wood. Everything is going to be uniform! I am even painting the ceiling and the kitchen cabinets! Looks like I have my work cut out for me this summer! I am closing on May 16th. So as soon as I get in there and take some before pictures I will post them. My plan is to use this blog to show my progress to everyone and keep me motivated towards my goal!
On another subject, I went to the doctor Monday and I have a bad sinus infection. Since I am only 7 weeks post-op, he is being over cautious and loaded me with meds! The two shots in my hips burnt really bad. Nevertheless, after taking off yesterday to rest, I am feeling much better today! Hopefully I won't have to go back and see him until July!

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