Excitment and Mother's day

I am starting to get REALLY excited about the house! I know there is a lot to do but I can't wait. I have started a "house" notebook. Yes, I know that it might be cheesy, but I want to make sure everything gets done! I have created a "to-do" list and have put them in the order that then need to be worked on. I have even started a shopping list of stuff that I know I will need. I am ready to get in there and start working. I will officially start this Sunday (May 18th). I would start on Saturday, but I am in a wedding (Yay for Diana and Dustin). I have a feeling that I will be so excited about starting the work on the house that I will have a hard time sleeping on Saturday night. Hopefully, I will be tired from all the great wedding events!
On another note, this weekend was very pleasant, except when we were all woke up to a tornado warning! There were 11 areas of circulation over Marion county at one time. Nevertheless, I went home to spend time with the parental units and celebrate Mother's day. I took Capo home with me and my dogs did not like him at all! It was not that he was mean to them (cause he wasn't). They are just anti-social and he just wanted to play. I took a ton of pictures and will post some later (still haven't found the camera cord).

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